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My lacking and fault the bad experience I have bottled

2021-1-10 13:00:40 Viewers:

My lacking and fault the bad experience I have bottled 

A great condemn retailed back story since to my investment from 2019, by curtal experience I flaw back to remember the time when my house was decorate in during, to which I and my wife were on my aunty house, we centralised and hot talk around, I told my wife with an explicit sense about the stock market is coming to rebound back, with so aggressively commenting to kind of breakout the emergent, I stack out my opinion for the best buy in “wu liang ye” a wine of a win since back to state on convergence an big triumph to win the whole course of my career dose for so unique one to pick. My wife were on hawkish to average the account the view of whether we can dilute the capital is ready to doing this adventure, we both agreed on that with a condensed a great lip to corporate, but to finally check its wouldn’t our gain on side to comply the expectation, with a Florence talking and see we capital is construed to the management size account, that time of consider, I am too prudent to decide we won’t take that deal, because if we withdrew the further capitals that means I banish the side of potentially interests call back, so we both wait then we can doing another day for the arrangement. 

The rating call back to see that was so stupid decision, for the ratio price was on all way soaring to the almost on double side quail. I am sad and too sad though, were sank into the deep depression to miss that chance. 

But finally we key time to buy at most advance the moment we thinking the right time to engagement, therefore still the time of decoration is unfinished yet, since it condoning the market thesis another disaster coming, I daily up the checkout my share, for lose everyday, that time the share is about 80rmb, then I stag out and make haunt to haul and payback my account, for later in days, I am express my motion to still on review the experience of decision making seems satisfy me all around, the share is plumping around then, nevertheless, I feel on hosted and happy. 

But game is tackling aside of another turn back, that is the day of my grandfather’s ceremony, the hottest day of I were on driving over on road, I was delivered on a flash referring on checking point, to tie on sight to hail on the screen with sudden stage on: oh, that is overestimating for a strap of loading too high of higher rates, then feel that way I am again in failed afterward.