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Summary of 2020 Central Economic Work Conference

2020-12-22 16:02:07 Viewers:

The central economic work conference was held in Beijing from december 16 to 18. The main points are summarized below:


Continued implementation of pro-active fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy
Central Economic Work Conference: next year, macroeconomic policies to maintain continuity, stability, sustainability; We need to continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, maintain the necessary support for economic recovery, and make policy operations more precise and effective. We should not make sharp turns, and grasp the effectiveness of policies. We should make good use of the precious time window, concentrate on promoting reform and innovation, with high-quality development for the 14th Five-Year Plan. Proactive fiscal policies should be improved in quality, efficiency, and more sustainable. We should maintain an appropriate spending intensity, and increase financial resources for major national strategic tasks.
Adhere to the position of housing is not fried, accelerate the improvement of long-term rental policy
Central Economic Work Conference: to solve the housing problems in big cities, we should adhere to the positioning of the house is for living, not for speculation, according to local conditions, and develop multiple strategies to promote房地产市场Stable and healthy development; We need to attach great importance to affordable rental housing construction, speed up the improvement of long-term rental policies, and gradually make rental housing enjoy equal rights in the enjoyment of public services, regulate the development of long-term rental housing market.
Enhance the independent and controllable ability of the supply chain of the industrial chain and solve a number of stuck problems as soon as possible.
The Central Economic Work Conference: Enhance the ability of industrial chain supply chain to control itself. The safety and stability of supply chain is the basis for building a new development pattern. We need to make up short plates and forge long plates. In view of weak links in the industry, we will implement key core technology projects to tackle key problems, resolve a number of stranglehold problems as soon as possible, and develop more unique and unique skills in areas of industrial advantage.
Vigorously develop the digital economy and increase investment in new infrastructure
The Central Economic Work Conference: We will vigorously develop the digital economy and increase investment in new infrastructure; To expand investment in manufacturing equipment upgrading and technological transformation; To implement urban renewal action, promote the transformation of old urban areas, build a modern logistics system.
Strengthen anti-monopoly and prevent the disorderly expansion of capital, anti-monopoly, anti-unfair competition
Central Economic Work Conference: Strengthening anti-monopoly and preventing the disorderly expansion of capital. Anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition are inherent requirements for improving the socialist market economy system and promoting high-quality development. The state supports the innovative development of platform enterprises, enhances their international competitiveness and supports the common development of the public and non-public sectors of the economy. At the same time, it is necessary to standardize development in accordance with law and improve digital rules.
The expansion of domestic demand and the formation of a strong domestic market is an important support for the building of a new development landscape
Central Economic Work Conference: adhere to the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, forming a strong domestic market is an important support for building a new development pattern, we must rationally guide consumption, savings, investment and other aspects of effective institutional arrangements. The most fundamental way to expand consumption is to promote employment, improve social security, optimize the income distribution structure, expand the middle-income groups, and promote common prosperity in a down-to-earth manner. We should combine expanding consumption with improving the quality of peoples lives.
Formulate and implement a ten-year action plan for basic research
The Central Economic Work Conference: It is necessary to step up the formulation and implementation of the ten-year action plan for basic research, focus on the distribution of a number of basic research centers, and support the development of international and regional science, technology and innovation centers where conditions permit; We should give play to the principal role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, support leading enterprises to form innovation consortia, and promote the innovation activities of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Easing market access, improving the quality of listed companies, and cracking down on all kinds of evasion and cancellation of debts
Central Economic Work Conference: to relax market access, promote fair competition, protect intellectual property rights, build a unified market, create a market-oriented, legal, international business environment; We should improve the governance of financial institutions, promote the healthy development of the capital market, improve the quality of listed companies, and combat all kinds of debt evasion and abandonment.
Standardize and develop the third pillar pension insurance
The Central Economic Work Conference: to regulate the development of the third pillar of endowment insurance; Full and progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPp) agreements should be actively considered. We will vigorously improve the domestic regulatory capacity and level, improve the safety review mechanism, and attach importance to applying international rules to safeguard national security.
Urgently develop an action plan for peaking carbon emissions by 2030

Central Economic Work Conference: China二氧化碳Emissions should peak before 2030 and carbon neutral by 2060. We need to work out an action plan for peaking carbon emissions by 2030, and support places where conditions permit to do so.