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Fastest Growing Industries in China in 2020

2020-12-29 12:33:10 Viewers:

Fastest Growing Industries in China in 2020

  • 1. Pig Farming in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 30.9%

    Revenue for the Pig Farming industry in China is expected to grow at an annualized 12.1% over the five years through to 2020, to $74.4 billion. This trend includes an anticipated rise of 28.8% in the current year. Rising domestic living standards and purchasing power have stimulated demand for pork. Many small- and mid-size pig farming enterprises have exited the industry since 2012, having been affected by the implementation of strict environmental regulations in China. Moreover, due to the strong fluctuations in meat prices, the number of slaughtered fattened hog decreased from 708.3 million to about 512.3 million over the... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 
  • 2. Internet Services in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 27.4%

    Revenue for the Internet Services industry is expected to grow at a rapid 25.4% in 2020, to reach $803.1 billion. Industry revenue is expected to grow at an annualized 34.9% over the five years through 2020, driven by booming domestic demand. The number of internet users in China has increased rapidly over the period. The COVID-19 outbreak in China drove market demand for internet services in China. The pandemic situation in China was serious over the first quarter of 2020, and revenue for the Internet Services industry increased rapidly during this period.
    The application services segment has become more important to... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 

  • 3. Online Games in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 27.2%

    Enterprises in the Online Game industry in China produce (i.e. design and develop) and operate online games. Most online game companies both create and operate their games. However, some online game producers sell licenses to agencies, which are then solely responsible for the operation of the games.
    Industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized 15.2% over the five years through 2020, to $49.2 billion. This trend includes expected growth of 25.2% in the current year. The popularity of online games has grown rapidly in China over the period. Approximately 58.4% of internet users now play online games.
    The Chinese online... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 
  • 4. Online Shopping in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 22.0%

    The Online Shopping industry in China is expected to grow at an annualized 22.5% over the five years through 2020, to total $1.8 trillion. This trend includes expected growth of 20.1% in the current year. The industry's rapid growth can be attributed to the rising popularity of ecommerce in China and online businesses continuously developing their services. In addition, the number of mobile internet users has greatly increased over the past five years, as mobile internet services have continued to develop, boosting the industry's performance. Moreover, as people have made more purchases online during the COVID-19 outbreak, the industry's sales... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 
  • 5. Satellite Transmission Services in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 18.5%

    Revenue for the Satellite Transmission Services industry is expected to grow at an annualized 12.5% over the five years through 2020, to reach $834.2 million. The industry has benefited from increasing demand for satellite broadcasting television and satellite communication. The coverage of major sporting events, such as the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 2010 Asian Games, the 2014 World Cup and the 2015 Beijing World Athletics Championships also significantly affected the industry's year-on-year performance. The industry comprises 192 enterprises employing approximately 4,434 people, with a payroll of $64.0 million.
    Between 2005 and 2020, communications satellites including ChinaSat-15 and ChinaSat-16 were launched in... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 
  • 6. Alternative-Fuel Car & Automobile Manufacturing in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 17.8%

    The Alternative-Fuel Car and Automobile Manufacturing industry in China has developed strongly in the past five years due to large government subsidies and favorable policies that have resulted in improving vehicle performances, increasing numbers of charging facilities, and changing attitudes toward environmental protection. Industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized 35.7% over the past five years through 2020, to total $68.8 billion. This includes growth of 15.9% in the current year. Industry profit is relatively high, averaging 11.4% of industry revenue in 2020. Profitability has been stimulated by high levels of automation as well as government subsidies that... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 
  • 7. Meat Processing in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 17.3%

    Revenue for the Meat Processing industry in China is expected to rise at an annualized 7.9% over the five years through 2020, to reach $157.3 billion. This includes anticipated growth of 15.4% in the current year. The dietary patterns of Chinese consumers have changed significantly as lifestyles have gradually become more fast paced. In addition, disposable incomes have been increasing. Processed meat consumption has been rising steadily, in line with income growth.
    The Meat Processing industry in China produces a narrow range of processed meats. High-temperature meat products, such as sausages, do not require refrigeration and are cooked at about 120... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 
  • 8. Chinese Medicinal Herb Growing in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 16.6%

    China is one of the largest growing and consuming countries of ginseng and pseudo-ginseng in the world. Rising prices and the growing popularity of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have driven increased supply and demand for industry products in recent years.
    The Chinese Medicinal Herb Growing industry is expected to grow at an annualized 11.1% over the five years through 2020, to reach $35.7 billion. Over the period, the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China was established to assist the industry by developing industry standards and optimizing the allocation of resources. Industry revenue is expected to... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 
  • 9. Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 16.6%

    Driven by government support and increasing demand from patients, the development of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals industry has accelerated in recent years. In 2020, revenue for this industry is expected to reach $94.1 billion, up 14.7% from 2019 and representing annualized growth of 13.6% from 2015.
    For the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital industry, a growing number of patients has ensured revenue and profitability increases. Profitability has risen to an estimated 5.9% in 2020. The scale of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals has also been expanding. There are about 4,573 traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in China, each containing 216 beds on average.
    ACMR-IBISWorld... Learn More(please subscribe us for completed report) email at 
  • 10. In-Home Care & Other Household Services in China
    2019-2020 Revenue Growth: 16.0%

    The In-home Care & Other Household Services industry in China has developed strongly in recent years due to the improving income levels of Chinese residents, increasing number of new births and elders, accelerating pace of life, high labor force participation rate, etc. Industry revenue is expected to total $100.6 billion in 2020, up 14.2% from 2019, with an annualized growth rate of 15.3% during the past five years. Industry profit is not high, average 7.1% of industry revenue in 2020, mainly squeezed by the rising labor costs in China.